Hanimated Writing


Uplifting and deliciously engaging, my writing soars in visual mediums.

  • Imaginative animated comedies
  • Memorable concepts and relatable characters


My character analysis is heightened in traditional fiction writing.

  • Simplistic middle-grade comedies
  • Thrilling yet reflective adult and YA


Essays showcase my love of digging into existing stories and relevant issues.

  • Professional tone with unique voice
  • Thoughtful analysis and attention to detail

…All of which contain unique, positive themes!

Welcome to my portfolio! I am a screenwriter, editor, and creative based in Atlanta, Georgia. With my imaginative animated comedy scripts and middle-grade fiction, I hope to make others feel seen in a world not quite like their own.

As a passionate optimist, I see life as sweet, exciting, and utterly animated, and that outlook shines in my writing.
