Who Am I?

I am a lead writer and staff writer for indie animated projects at DreamArc Animation Studios and a copywriter at Force Media. For these positions, I use the critical thinking skills, creativity, networking, and love of storytelling that I developed when earning my honors B.A. in English with minors in Film Studies and Professional Writing. This upcoming fall, I will be pursuing an MFA in Writing for Film and Television at Emerson College to help reach my dream of becoming a staff writer for animated television.

From my active imagination to my birth name (my middle name is “Mae,” which legally makes my name “h-anime”), my whole life has pointed to storytelling. I love to give my readers a break from the stressors of life and a reason to smile, so I constantly seek opportunities to grow in my craft. Those who read my work admire the loveable and entertaining characters, the structured plot, and the creative concepts.   

After hard work and consistent writing, I was announced as a Quarter Finalist for the Stage 32’s 2nd Annual New Voices in Animation Screenwriting Competition. It featured judges from Sony Animation Studios, Nickelodeon, Studio Ghibli, Walt Disney Animation Studios, and more. I am currently revising projects for upcoming competitions from my home in in the evolving film hub of Atlanta.

When I’m not typing away at a story, I may be found drawing, acting on stage, walking my dogs, or explaining what I’m going to do with my degree.

To learn more about me or my experience, check out my CV and resume or published fiction and finished films page!
